Sang Kucing Comel

aduhh !
pening aq nan kucing-kucing aq nie...asl betine aje mesti bunting..haha mmg la kan ~ hahaha!
dulu byk gile kucing skrg tinggal 4 eko aje...seko jantan mmg comel giler la aq rase nak geget aje .
skrg 3 eko skali bunting..haiyoo ~ aq dh jadi mother cat ??
aq dah xlaratt nak jage nie..nak hntr kat pasar aje @ bg la sape2 yg nak @ hntr kampung  .
tp aq rase sedihh xnak hntr aq soh akak aq je buat .
coz aq aje yg jage kucing2 aq sume bz mane ade mase..
aq nak kucing jantan aq yg bernameeee...GEMOK !
teman aq dan hobby aq main nan kucing..meooww~~


My feelings easily changed at the same time..
erm org betol2 kenal aq aje tau mcm mane kan..
mood aq senang betol berubah..jap hepy tibe2 sedihh plak..
ade lah 1 time nie aq tgh syok gayutt nan 'die' talk la bla bla bla n blah~~
soalan wajib cam biase la kan "buat ape" "da mam" "sihat" "rindu la"..
kadang2 aq naek nyampah pon ade..gedix betol ! hahahaha~
after that story la pasal dunie..haha
ngumpat pasal org , cite pasal zmn skola , music , bad good habitt , pasal study n smpai la
bukak pasal mende bodo2 nie..;p
mula masuk airr kan..

'die' nie lau tgh borak mmg suke sakatt aq n buat aq tacink aje tp aq xkesah okey aje coz da kenal 'die' mcm mane kan so just give and take la..=)
smpai 2 'die' ade la ckp yg bole buat aq terase gak..zupp !! tros aq mrh die n tacink..

tacink biase2 je bukan seyez mane pon...pas2 'die' tnye aq :
"asl kau nie tetibe aje kau nk mrh aq tadi okey je huahuahua borak nan aq pas2 tacink..eyh klaka r kau ni aida,,pelik pon ade..dlm mase yg same bole berubah..dasyat sungguh!" haha ! pon ckp la :
"erm..ntah la weii aq pon pelik gk..xtaw nape okey nie cpt panas n sejukk"
jenis aq x suke nak SENTAP lame2...dlm mase bape minute dh okey...bole gelak2..=D
aq x take mende nie remeh temeh pon...sempoii aje

so thank so much la kat sape2 yg kenal lame nan aq nie n still trime aq seadanye..n layann aje nan PE'EL aq nie yg pelik2...hee~

aq lau mende TAK PENTING aq hati kering malas nk lynn sgtt..biase2 aje . ;)
yg suke kaco aq smpai aq naek MUAK aq mmg x aq x marah orang 2..buat bodo sudehh~
marah2 dpt ape kan..puaskan hati baek diam dr bercakap byk yg bole mendatangkan doesa !

Shut Up & Kiss Me ! ;);)

YouÂ're too loud, IÂ'm so hyper
On paper weÂ're a disaster
And IÂ'm driving you crazy
ItÂ's my little game

I push you, and you push back
Two opposites so alike that
EverydayÂ's a roller coaster
IÂ'm a bump youÂ'll never get over

This love (love)-hate (hate) relationship
You say you canÂ't handle it
But thereÂ's no way to stop this now
So shut up and kiss me

Kick (kick), scream (scream) call it quits
But your just (just) so (so) full of it
Cuz itÂ's too late, to close your mouth
Shut up and kiss me

So shut up!
So shut up!

I call you and you pick up
I tell you how much IÂ'm in love
IÂ'm laughing and you get mad
ItÂ's my little game

Go ahead now, admit it
You like your world with me in it
Like a record, itÂ's broken
Yeah, IÂ'm a bump youÂ'll never get over

This love (love)-hate (hate) re lationship
You say you canÂ't handle it
But thereÂ's no way to stop this now
So shut up and kiss me

Kick (kick), scream (scream) call it quits
But your just (just) so (so) full of it
Cuz itÂ's too late, to close your mouth
Shut up and kiss me

You miss my lips, my kiss, my laugh
The riffs on my guitar
The way we fight, we make up fast
Oooooh yeah Â…

So shut up!

Love-hate, love-hate, love hate!

Cuz itÂ's a love (love)-hate (hate) relationship
You say you (you) can (can) handle it
But thereÂ's no way to stop this now
So shut up and kiss me

Kick (kick), scream (scream) call it quits
But your just so freakinÂ' full of it
Cuz itÂ's too late, to shut your mouth
Shut up and kiss me

Diriku Penuh Dengan Angan-angan dan Imaginasi ;)

tett ! sambil tekan2 button nak buat 'karangan' nie aq tgh dgr lagu dr Rossa "wanita yg kau pilih"
huhu so sweet...teringat aq kat shuk ;)
aq teringin nak pegi JAPAN nk 'honeymoon' kat sane bersame org yg aq cintai <3
huhuu..for ur information Japan nie negare paling maju yg berteknologi canggih di dunie n 'anime' sume asl dr sane yahudi US  yg cilok dr dorang . kihkih kesiann ~
tgk bunge sakura berguguran jatuh ke bumi..main salji..tgk gunung Fuji yg cantekk sgtt !
i also want to learn bout history food of Japan..culture dorang mcm dorang..n so many else lah
d'sebabkan aq ni tgh study bout Culinary Art nie aq nk sgt pegi 'merantau' 1 dunie..expecially Japan n Italy..
insyAllah aminn ~ =)

Kata-kata dari Siamang Kpd Si Bunga =,='

kau ingat kau hot ?
kau ingat kau cunn ?
kau ingat kau kaya bole buat sume ko nak ?
kau ingat kau bajet lawa la ?
sape kwn nan kau sah kene 'nasik kingkong' lah .
Anak H*R*M lah kau nie...baik g Mati lah .
mulut cam sial+gampang = mulut vavi .
smpai 'mak bapak' ko petik kat aq PEHELL weii !??
aq diam aq xtouch kau so kau ingat aq lembik n bole pijak pale aq ??
haha..silap besa la weii...1 hari Allah akan balas ok . Allah itu Maha Adil .
remember that ! aq bukan hidup 'sorang2' kat dunie nie la . cume aq diam n sabar aje sbb aq takut Allah balas kat aq t . sentiasa pk PARENTS jage name baik la sis..
thats it ! fullstop =)

music music music my SOUL !

he hey derr..lets talk bout music lah, i hate  gossip gurl nie..penat la kan . buat doese aje hahaha !
Jiwa aq x bole hidup tanpa MUSIC ! coz' music make me happy + njoy + chill + can releas my tension !!
ahakz ~
My strong influence of music is ORIANTHI n PARAMORE ;)
i love orianthi n she looks so cool and her voice does match her fantastic guitar (=

 x lupe juge kat Mr.Shuk yg mempengaruhi aq nan music .
ea..awak kan 'band metalcore' pandai maen instrumen music . i hope u can teach me 2 play piano n drum .
huhu...I LOVE SAYANGS SHUK <3 (:
nak listkan all music yg aq suke nie x terkire babe..byk kot ! tp aq UNIVERSAL music lah...
music metalcore yg aq tau dr hero aq nie...bab2 metal nie aq 'amatur skit' shuk mestila 'pro' kan =)


* Judas Priest
* Megadeth
*Bullet For My Valentine
* A7X
*Black Sabbath
*System of Down
*Cradle Fifth
*Deep Purple